There’s something exciting about the beginning of the school year, even when you’re no longer a student. The fresh supplies – new pencils, new pens and paper that seem to say, “At this moment my future’s wide open and anything can happen!”
Of course, for many of us that feeling didn’t last beyond the first few weeks of school, but the excitement at the beginning of the year was real. There were new possibilities.
We meet adults every day who haven’t been in school for over 30 years, and yet September still represents a time of new beginnings.
Today, we’d like to encourage you to think about what you might want to begin doing in this 9th month of the year.
This isn’t like the beginning of the calendar year when we make resolutions that are supposed to last that whole year. We’re talking about this one magical month when you can try just one thing that’s outside the current scope of your life.
Maybe you take a meditation class, volunteer a day at a food bank, develop your leadership skills, or offer to mentor a new staff member so they get off to a great start.
What would give you that feeling that your future isn’t scripted with what has been, but instead has the opportunity for something completely new to come into your life?
For inspiration, you may want to wander to the Back to School Supply aisle of your local store. Grab a pencil, a new spiral binder, or maybe even a box of crayons and let yourself dream about a new opportunity that you didn’t realize was out there waiting for you.
Let us know what you do to create a new beginning!

– Your Coaches and Allies at Carpenter Smith Consulting


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