At this point, if you have been following our posts, you have written your statement of Purpose and even if you don’t believe it’s perfect, you are living with it and playing with it as you explore it’s fit.  And, after last week’s post, you have some idea of your Vision for what your life will look like in 3 – 5 years.  The goal is not perfection, but rather to get you thinking about what you want to move towards in your life. 


Frequently, people will ask if they can just start living their vision right now?  Of course, you can – if it’s possible.  For most of us however, our Vision is a stretch from what is possible right now and requires some planning and systematic action.  If you have created a Vision that is easy to do today, we encourage you to take a moment and redo the vision exercise considering what you would like your life to look like in 3 – 5 years that is a stretch for you. 


To check in and see if you are creating a vision that is truly aspirational – something that you aspire to and can believe is possible for you – go back and look at your vision statements.  Are they exciting?  Do you feel that living those statements will challenge you?  Will they create greater meaning, satisfaction and connection?  Will they grow you?  Will they deepen you?


If so, give yourself a pat on your back and spend a few minutes envisioning this life you are going to create. 


If not, ask yourself again, “What are my hopes and dreams for what my life will look like in 3-5 years as a result of my actions?” and explore what you need and want in your life to create a life that you appreciate, enjoy and are proud of. 


If you get stuck, spend some time with a friend or family member talking about things you’d really like to create in your life.  Ask them what they have heard you mention that you’d like in your life or the things you complain about that you’d like to change.  Write all of those things down and then again look for themes and write those themes down in a positive tone, almost as if they are truth. 


Here are some examples of Personal Vision Statements answering the question, “What are my hopes and dreams for what my life will look like in 3 – 5 years as a result of my actions?”


  • I am in a deeply connected relationship with a partner
  • My relationship with my husband / wife has grown and we are prepared to have children
  • I am a parent and have another child on the way
  • I have set limits on pressure to have a child and am working in Africa
  • I weigh 145 pounds and am strong and confident
  • I have learned to live with my diabetes and feel confident managing it going forward
  • I am doing work that allows me to travel internationally
  • I am working part time and making enough money to do my artwork full time
  • I teach young children in rural Chicago how to dream
  • I have work, health and money in line so I can hike the Appalachian Trail for 6 weeks.


There are no right vision statements but there are statements that speak to you, inspire you, excite you, and motivate you.  We encourage you to look for them.