“I feel like a zombie — like the walking dead. I float through my life, doing one task after another without meaning or purpose. I am always doing, but I’m not fully alive. I’m always running… from work, to home, to my daughter’s soccer game. I’m constantly trying to keep up and yet feel like I’m just going through the motions, and showing up without really being there. How did I become like this? This was not the life I imagined.”
Sound familiar? We hear this all the time from clients and friends alike. People are overwhelmed, overworked, and worn out—longing to have connection and meaning in their life and their days.
It can be hard to notice what you’re grateful for when everything feels like one more demand. Now is the time to reclaim your life. It’s important that you matter in your life and that your personal growth and development is nurtured. Too many of us wait around hoping that life will be different next year.
Personal growth isn’t magic, but it can feel magical when you decide to lean into your own life and get the skills you know will create a life of meaning and satisfaction. That’s why we call it “leading your life” because it’s yours to lead.
We believe in you. We know that there is a leader in you.
Not the old notion of leadership—the older man pounding his fist on a desk, but true leadership in which each and every one of us is contributing our voices and our thoughts to making the world a better place for everyone.
This week, spend some time thinking about how you can reclaim your life. How you can stop feeling like a zombie.
And, we can help! If you want more from your life. If you want to grow in your ability to inspire your kids, your colleagues, your world. If you are ready to expand your impact and influence, our Leader in You Leadership Lab is the place for you. It’s time. You can create greater success in your family, your work and your world. You can come to life.
We know that your life is busy so we’ve created the Lab so that you can really make progress in about an hour a week (just 10 minutes a day).
You owe this to yourself!
You owe this to the people who depend on you.
You can do this. You can have the impact that matters in your world.
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