We’ve recently been talking about Your Reflections from 2022 and Your Intentions for 2023. Today, we’d like to help you to think about the obstacles that are most likely to get in your way, and then the small steps you’ll take to get around them.

In Caroline Webb’s book How to Have a Good Dayshe talks about the importance of “realistic idealism” in reaching our goals/vision of success. She discusses the research that shows that the people who envision the outcome they want, the obstacles they’ll face along the way, and plan for both, are more likely to see success.

To help you with your realistic idealism, think about these questions:

  • What are the 1-3 obstacles/challenges that are most likely to get in your way of achieving your vision of success? Some answers we’ve heard include:
    • I don’t have the skills I need.
    • I struggle with meeting new people.
    • I can get lost in my work and am then depleted.
    • My negative self-talk gets in my way.
    • I have too many responsibilities to others.
    • I don’t have the resources to support my efforts.
  • What are the small steps you’ll take to get around or through your obstacles/challenge, to get you closer to your vision of success? Create a plan for how you’ll keep yourself motivated and on track. The more detailed you can get, the better for your success.

Take some time this week to write down your top 1-3 obstacles/challenges and then detail out what your small steps will be. Remember, small steps taken consistently over time, can lead to big success.

If you don’t trust yourself to stay on track, be sure to read through our post next week when we’ll talk about moving forward, even when sh!t happens!

We’re rooting for you!

If you’d like support
taking action on your vision,
contact us today.