Throughout our years of coaching and consulting, we’ve put together numerous guides, frameworks, and workbooks to support you in both your personal and professional life. Here you’ll find the most up-to-date versions and a link to the article it came from.
If there is a topic you don’t see listed, please feel free to contact us today and let us know.

Running a meeting doesn’t have to be a job for just one person. Assigning some Key Roles can help to engage and empower others on the team, to keep things running efficiently. From Meeting Makeovers: Roles.

Creating successful meetings takes time and preparation upfront, but there is tremendous pay off for you and your team when you do. From Meeting Makeovers: Agendas.

It’s important to regularly audit your meetings and look at whether or not each of them has the right reason, the right time, and the right people. From Meeting Makeovers: Audits.

Great managers can transform their workplaces into ones where people are healthy, by leading with curiosity, caring, and connection. From Burnout Nuggets for Managers.

Through our work, we’ve found that Connection is Key in recovering from or avoiding burnout. From Burnout Nuggets.

This is our guide to giving feedback to others in a way that leaves the feeling listened to and respected. From Giving Feedback Well.

This is our guide to receiving feedback in a way that honors who you are and the person giving you feedback, and creates opportunities for success. From Receiving Feedback Well.

The Benefits, Concerns, & Suggestions framework is a great way to engage your team, get their feedback, and look at multiple angles of an idea before moving forward. From We Still Don’t Agree!

Our core framework encompasses Pausing to interrupt your reactivity, Reflecting on yourself and others, and ACTING with POWER. All while influencing others and letting others influence you. From Listen, Learn, and Lead.

This image gives you an idea of how we think about career strategy. As you look through the steps, think about the whole of you. It’s important that you are part of the equation. From Our Career Approach.

Oftentimes, when managers are delegating work, they hand off tasks too quickly. We’ve identified three steps to help you be successful in your delegation: context, content, and connection. From Successful Delegation Recap.

While it’s important to spend time thinking about your future, we’ve found that it’s more powerful to consider your vision for your future after you’ve taken a look back at your past year. From Looking Forward.