Last week we talked about how a handful of 2-second hesitations can lead to Failing to Make a Decision. Today, we want to share with you 5 important steps to increasing your ability to make decisions (even when it’s hard).

5 Steps to Decision Making
  1. Pause and ask yourself, “Is what I’m about to do in alignment with my goals?”
    • It’s important that you actually know what your goals are. Consider what you are trying to achieve.
  1. Explore “What’s the decision I really need to make to achieve my goals?” 
    • By completing Step 1 and pausing to consider what you’re trying to achieve, you can begin to tease out what decision actually needs to be made.
    • We watch our clients getting caught in the weeds – making very tactical decisions when they need to make higher-level, strategic decisions.
    • We watch others making high-level, strategic decisions when they need to decide on some specific steps they need to take to create tactical momentum.
    • Consider what your goals are and then what decisions actually need your attention.
  1. Consider what will happen if you make a particular decision and then consider what will happen if you don’t make the decision.
    • There is incredible information in understanding the ripples from making a decision and the ripples from not making a decision. 
  1. Formulate your decision, BUT don’t aim for perfection.
    • You’re aiming for good decisions and trusting that as time unfolds and you get new information, you’ll make new decisions with that new information.
    • Paradoxically, great decision-makers trust that they can say “go” because they trust themselves and their teams to continue to learn and evaluate as things unfold, and they’ll take action on behalf of their organization if required.
  1. Make a Decision – decide to take action, decide to delay or decide to do nothing. 
    • Delaying or consciously choosing to do nothing is still a decision. There’s power in making a conscious decision – the act of choosing has power.
    • Then be prepared to share your rationale for your choice – doing so will help you feel more confident in your decisions.

We hope that these 5 steps to decision making will support you when you find yourself feeling nervous or afraid in your life, your work or your world. Don’t let small hesitations keep you from making the important decisions that shape a successful life and a successful business.

Looking for support in fine-tuning your decision-making skills, contact us today about our Executive Coaching.