We’ve been talking about the importance of finding the right hybrid work model for both you, as the employee, and/or you, as the manager or business owner.

Some of you have contacted us letting us know that you’re doing the work to collaborate on what a successful model would look like. Now, you’re wondering, how can you ensure that you really will be successful? Great question!

To increase the likelihood that you’ll be successful in working virtually (whether full-time or part-time) there are three things to keep in mind.


To stay visible, it’s important that you communicate often with your manager and your teammates.

We’d recommend setting up regular check-in meetings with:

  • Your manager: Meet weekly or every other week. If your manager doesn’t already have an agenda set up, think about covering these 3 areas:
    • Describe your successes.
    • Share the obstacles you’ve encountered.
    • Discuss what recommendations you have to move forward/prioritize your work.
  • Your colleagues: Make sure to connect every couple of weeks. If your work is interdependent, think about connecting every week or multiple times per week.
  • Your project teams: Consider updating one another 50% more than you would if you were in person. Many of us have forgotten how often we used to swing by and share information when we were not virtual.


As we’ve all seen this past year, you’ll be missing out on the impromptu hallway chats where you make connections with colleagues that aren’t limited to just the items on your to-do list.

  • Try inviting teammates to something like a virtual potluck where the agenda is to connect on a human level versus to discuss work.
  • For those of you shaking your head about “wasting time” on a connecting agenda, please reread Psychological Safety to remind yourself of the catalytic power of attending to this important need.


Have conversations with your colleagues about their communication styles and ask what their preferences are.

  • Do they prefer email, text, phone, slack, virtual chat, etc?
  • Do daily or weekly communications work better?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to others and ask for their feedback. It will make your work better and your colleagues more supportive of your work.

Just like when you’re working in person, it’s important to foster vulnerable trust with your team.

Create a space where people can share
their successes as often as their failures,
their concerns as often as their praise,
and their excitement as often as their indifference.

If you’re a leader of a company that is embracing the idea of a hybrid work model, think about what the guidelines could look like for your employees when they work remotely. Then, share your thoughts with those employees so that they’ll know your expectations for how they can be most successful.
Whether you’re looking at the hybrid work model as an employee or as a leader, consider how the above guidelines might look like for you and your team.
Let us know what you come up with. We’d love to hear your thoughts!