In our post last week, called The Time Is Now, we suggested that taking some time to assess where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’d like to go, can be helpful in living a fulfilling life.

Today, we’re focusing on this past year
and asking you to answer the question,
“Where have you been?”

As you’re reflecting, consider how you want to capture your experiences. To help you get started, we’re including some suggestions that have worked well for some of our clients and for us.

  • Write yourself a letter.
  • Create a word cloud.
  • Cut out images or words.
  • Draw or paint.
  • Share answers with a loved one or colleague.

As you think back to all that you experienced last year, reflect on some or all of the following questions:

  • What are you proud of accomplishing (no matter how big or small)? For example:
    • Did you deepen the connection with yourself or others?
    • Did you survive a difficult year?
    • Did you learn a skill or try something new?
    • Did you show up in a way that honored your authentic voice?
    • Did you sit back and allow more space for others to share their voices?
  • What had you hoped to accomplish that you haven’t yet?
  • What was your biggest challenge?
  • What were your greatest learnings?
  • When did you find success in slowing things down? Speeding things up?
  • How have you listened to your instincts?
  • What role did work play in your life? What role had you hoped it would play?
  • Did you live according to the things that matter most to you? What felt out of balance?

Take some time to look back and think about how you’ve spent this past year. This will help you as you think about the various ways you want to spend your moments in the upcoming year.

If you’re having trouble remembering all that you did last year, you may find it helpful to use your calendar, planner, credit card statements, etc, to get a better overview of how you spent your time.

Feel free to share your reflections with us!

If you’d like support
with your personal or professional

visioning or goal setting,
contact us today.