In our recent Looking Back posts, we asked you to look at where you’ve been and what you’ve done this past year. In our Looking In post, we asked you to think about who you are today and to create a visual of you and your life.

Today, we’d like you to consider looking out at your world. What friend, family member, or other loved one do you want to share your visual (or written) story with?

Think about these questions:

  • What came out of the exercises that you could share with others?
  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • What did you accomplish?
  • Where have you grown?
  • What areas would you like to develop?
  • What will influence your life in 2022?

Perhaps they can offer some feedback on areas you’ve missed and/or reinforce the ones you’ve identified. This can be a great way to connect with others and ourselves.

As you’re telling your story, it’s important to think about where you can use your learnings as a growth opportunity. What will you do differently this upcoming year?

The stories we tell others about ourselves
reinforces the stories we tell ourselves.

Think about the difference in these examples:

I was lazy, slept late, and then went outside for a walk.
I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with work and family obligations, so took care of myself by sleeping in and then spending some time in nature where I could think about what’s next for me in my career.

I guess it’s just me. I haven’t had any jobs where I felt passionate about the work.
I realize that I haven’t found the right fit in my career yet, so this year, I’m going to spend some time looking at the skills I love using and the environment and culture that’s right for me. I’m excited to find my passion!

Think about the story you tell yourself and others. Is it your old story, your current story, or your future story? You get to decide! Then, look out to your world and think about sharing your story of 2021.

Make sure the stories you’re telling others,
and therefore yourself,
support the future you’re leading toward.

If you’d like support
changing how you tell your story
contact us today.