In the United States of America, the last Monday in May is Memorial Day. While many of us consider Memorial Day the beginning of summer, it’s actually a Federal holiday to honor those who have died in military service.

We hope you’ll take some time today to remember the men and women who have died in service of our country. These soldiers were also parents and children and sisters and brothers and friends and colleagues as well.

We’re grateful to those men and women who serve and did serve our country.

This Memorial Day, we’d also encourage you to reflect on the people in your life, your work, and your world who give of themselves for the benefit of others. They exist in every country, city, and town across the globe.

Being of service, caring for others, going above and beyond on behalf of something important – that is the best of humanity. 

We hope you’ll take an opportunity to express your gratitude to the many people in your life who go above and beyond. Your recognition and gratitude matters.

In gratitude for all you do,

– Linda, Stephanie, and Heather